Many people have a preconception that hypnobirthing is an out-there woo-woo and hippy course, often paired with images of a woman giving birth in a tipi in the middle of the woods with people all around her chanting. Most birth partners will hear the word hypnobirthing and think what the hell kind of alternative thing is she thinking about now and why is she expecting me to be a part of it. Another preconception that people often have is that they will be put into some sort of trance where they will be controlled and put under a form of spell or hypnosis, that they won't be in control of themselves or their actions. Many people often also believe that hypnobirthing is only for people who want a natural birth, home birth or a birth without pain relief. The truth of the matter is these images and preconceptions couldn't be further from the truth. You could argue that the name hypnobirthing doesn't really do the course justice.
So you may ask well if that's not what hypnobirthing is then what is it?
Hypnobirthing is a comprehensive antenatal training programme that is logical and simple to follow. It just makes sense! It covers all aspects of pregnancy, labour and birth that is centred upon building confidence and releasing fear and preconceptions. Hypnobirthing is based upon science and teaches you all about labour, birth and how the body works. This includes the physiology of birth, how the muscles of the uterus work, how the mind works, how the body and mind work together, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Hypnobirthing provides you with the tools and knowledge to help you feel confident, empowered and in control of your choices. This will assist you in feeling calmer and more comfortable. It teaches you how to have confidence in your body's ability so that you can work with your body rather than against it.
This training teaches you how to allow your body to do what it has been designed to do. By understanding what to expect during labour and birth and how to release any fears surrounding this you are able to feel more empowered and confident in making decisions that will help you to have a more positive experience. Hypnobirthing is not a pain relief method, it works on the premise that if you follow all the things you learn during the course and put the practice in, the pain may not even be there in the first place. Hypnobirthing has been proven to result in lower rates of drugs used, lower rates of medical interventions, and more comfortable birth.
Hypnobirthing is beneficial for the mother, the partner and the baby in the following ways:
Benefits for the mother are that she is more likely to have a comfortable and less painful birth experience (sometimes even pain-free). She is more likely to use/require less pain relief and requires less medical intervention. She is likely to be more relaxed and her labour is likely to be shorter. She may also recover quicker after the birth experience due to the reduction of physical impact during the birth. It removes fear and increases her confidence in her body's abilities to instinctively birth. The techniques learned during this course can also help and assist in other situations faced in life.
Benefits for the partner are that they will feel more involved in the process and learn how to support the mother. They will have a more active role in the birth and feel more like a part of the whole experience.
Benefits for the baby are that they are more likely to be born into a quiet, calm and relaxed atmosphere that is more natural. This can help with the bonding process for mum and baby. Baby is also less likely to have been exposed to drugs or require medical assistance.
Hypnobirthing doesn't guarantee that you will have the perfect birth, however, it does provide you with the tools which often lead to a more positive experience no matter how your baby arrives.
You can begin the course at any stage of pregnancy, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of what you gain from the course throughout your pregnancy as well as during the birth of your baby. The techniques used are also known to have a cumulative effect, therefore the more you practice the techniques throughout your pregnancy the more beneficial it can be. However, it is never to late to start your hypnobirthing practice as it has still been beneficial for women who have completed the course days before giving birth.
We're all used to hearing the horror stories that others delight in telling us about regarding how painful and horrendous labour and birth is. I mean lets be honest it's definitely more dramatic and we all love a bit of drama....It makes a better story right? So what if i was to tell you it isn't like that for everybody and it doesn't have to be that way for you? What if I could show you examples of people who have had a labour and birth that was pain free and actually enjoyable?
If you've heard enough and are ready to take the plunge head over to my hypnobirthing page where you can book your place on one of my group or private courses. If you want a little more information why not come along to one of my free online hypnobirthing taster sessions or book a free consultation.