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Newborn Baby with Mom

Whether you are expecting your first baby and feeling clueless, or adding to your family and feeling in need of a little refresher I am here to help you.


Working as a midwife I am no stranger to providing education to families. I am particularly passionate about ensuring that all families have access to good evidence-based information that is delivered in a simple way that ensures that you understand. I want to provide you with the best information that I can in order for you to feel prepared. I also want you to feel confident and empowered to make the best-informed choices for you and your family. This is why I am so excited to bring you this course which will cover everything you’ll want to know about pregnancy, labour, birth, the early days of parenthood, newborn care and feeding choices. You will also be encouraged to ask questions as I want to ensure that you feel fully informed and as prepared as you can be. I will also be available before, during and after your courses to support you in any way you feel you need.


The classes are run over 3 sessions, which will cover labour and birth, the postnatal period, newborn care and infant feeding. Here is a little more information on some of the main things that will be covered.


 Labour and Birth​

  • Your options for where to birth your baby & creating your birth plan

  • Birth hormones

  • Pelvic floor exercises and perineal massage

  • Recognising labour and what happens in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages of labour

  • Coping strategies

  • Positions for labour and birth

  • Pain relief options

  • Role of the birth partner

  • What to pack

  • Membrane sweeps

  • Induction of labour

  • Instrumental / assisted delivery (forceps or ventouse)

  • Episiotomy

  • Caesarean section


 Postnatal period and newborn care

  • The golden hour and what to expect in the first few hours after baby is born

  • Skin to skin and the benefits

  • Postnatal care and what to expect

  • Newborn behaviours and what to expect

  • Practical skills for caring for a newborn including nappy care, bathing, safe sleeping and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome prevention (SIDS)

  • Understanding the baby blues and signs and symptoms of postnatal depression.


 Infant feeding

  • How to recognise the cues and signs that baby is hungry

  • Breastfeeding positions and attachments and how to tell baby is getting enough milk

  • Common feeding problems and how to overcome them

  • Expressing and supplements

  • Formula feeding and how to make up feeds

  • How to safely sterilise baby's bottles and equipment

  • Techniques for winding baby


Most people choose to start their antenatal classes when they are 28 - 32 weeks pregnant or 24 weeks with a twin pregnancy. This ensures that you have all the information you need prior to the baby arriving and it is still fresh in your mind. However, if you would like to take the course earlier or later I am happy to accommodate. I would recommend waiting until you are at least 20 weeks pregnant and have had your anomaly scan.


Antenatal classes are available in person around the South Wales area or online via Zoom. Travel expenses apply if over 15 miles away from my home in Swansea for in-person private hypnobirthing.  You can choose between online or in-person at the booking screen for all private antenatal courses.


You can reserve your place on the courses for a deposit of £50 and places can be booked by clicking the book now buttons below. If you have any questions please contact me using one of the following methods: the live chat function, the contact form, email or by phone. Please ensure that you have also read the terms and conditions page. 

Private Antenatal Classes

Pregnant Woman

Antenatal sessions can be booked individually or as a full course. You can select either in-person or online at the booking screen.


Full Course Cost - £150

Individual Session Cost - £50


"Not my plan A or B for the birth but it was incredible and powerful regardless and wouldn’t change a thing. Absolutely couldn’t have done it without what we learned from @enchantedbeginningsmidwifery hypnobirthing course." Nicola & Paul (Hypnobirthing couple)

Timberly Williams

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